Why IWU Online?

  • 160+ online degrees at IWU
  • No ties or commitments to class meeting times
  • Immediately apply your studies to your current job and career path
  • Take one class at a time with courses that are typically 5-8 weeks long
  • Earn the same high quality degree you would in an in-person learning environment

Making Education Affordable

At IWU we offer accessible and affordable education programs. We encourage our students to apply for a variety of financial aid options. There are many types of aid available, including grants, scholarships, loans, and veteran benefits. These funding sources can make completing a degree or certificate program affordable and attainable. Contact us to find out what financial aid you may qualify for.

Key Facts

Great Students

We will recruit, provide affordable access to, and graduate great students.

Great People

We will provide our people with the resources to maximize our great Christian learning community so that it is enjoyable, diverse, and unified in purpose.

Great Programs

We will offer great academic and co-curricular programs with the infrastructure to support them at a sustainable cost.

Interested? Get started today!